Tuesday, April 7, 2009

My class 2 patient cancelled on my this morning. I didnt really need him as a requirement, but I barely found someone to fill his spot! Alyse had an extra patient. She was a 1B and needed a couple of sealants. She had braces and I have never had a patient with braces! it was a little bit of a challenge with all of those brackets and wires. I used the rc/tp with the bristles and a floss threader. It was a good experience.
I had my last 1A this afternoon, so it was a pretty easy day:)
There are only a couple days left to schedule, so hopefully I can fit everyone in that I need to fill my requirements!
I need to get my board patient in here for x-rays.....

1 comment:

emilie said...

I almost couldn't find a patient for this morning either. Sometimes it's a little crazy with cancellations, but at least it worked out for you.